
Zendata helps you stay on top of privacy issues on your web apps and internet-facing assets. Understand trackers, cookies and risks associated with third-party technologies by region and device type.

With Zendata you can get started with Zero engineering effort. Setting up the tool is easy with an intuitive visual interface. Get accurate and fast results and continuous coverage across all your websites/apps. The tool deepscans your entire website/apps to identify potential privacy issues.


We should build a to that allows an user stay Compliant With Global and Local Regulations. In the other hand it should Control the scope of your monitoring (landing page vs. entire website), user regions (we take care of mimicking users from different device types and regions), how often you want the scan to take place.


We build a tool that brings automate privacy compliance checks in minutes. With the right knowledge, you can do your part to make your web apps and internet-facing assets safe while keeping essential user information is protected while minimizing regulatory risk.

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I love everything that Talpor is doing to improve the product.

Narayana Pappu


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